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A Naughty Boy?

I wonder when Henry started going ‘off the rails.’   Was it down to his parentage?  Perhaps living in the small, Thames-side village of Medmenham, where everyone knew one another and so would have known the story behind his birth, may have been a factor.  Or was this considered too shameful to be ever spoken of openly again.  Whatever, the cause, by 1838 he already had a string of petty offences under his belt when once again he found himself standing in front of the Buckinghamshire Assizes for larceny. The River Thames near Medmenham Poor Henry’s troubles really began before he was even  born.  His mother, Ann Chown, planned to marry local lad Thomas Burridge in the village church in the May of 1809 but on the 14 th , halfway through the Banns being called, Thomas had them cancelled.  He had discovered that Ann was pregnant with Henry, the father being another village boy, Elias Nibbs.  Ann had very nearly got away with her deception for Henry had been born and baptised by 4 th  June.

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