Spring Is Around The Corner!

Winter in the secret valley: sheep wait patiently for food by our little winding river
The Cotswolds are known, however, for their colder and longer winters compared to the rest of the region. Here, about as far inland as you can be on a small island, we have little benefit from the warming effect of the sea and we are also hill country. Elsewhere may be showing signs of spring but in the secret valley these are still hard to find - an elder twig just breaking into leaf is the only green that I can find so far.
The aconite wood, 'though, is a sight to behold and has been flowering for a couple of weeks now. How many plants can there be? Surely, tens of thousands. When and why were they planted here, for they are not native to this country. An old country chap told me it used to be called Summer House Woods but there is no sign of a building here and the 'big' house that owns the land is some distance away.
This snowdrop wood was planted by nuns over a hundred and fifty years ago and is attached to my 'reincarnation' house. Snowdrop woods, unlike aconite ones, are not uncommon but never fail to impress. Even a small group in a garden are eagerly awaited and we have plenty here where they spill out beyond the garden boundary and peep out from amongst the hedgerow that borders the lane.
The Cornus mas is also flowering now. It grows in our garden against the house wall, facing east. Despite this, it perfoms regularly and is easy to keep pruned to shape. This one, is the variegated leaf variety which is quite slow growing compared to the standard type and so is ideal as a wall shrub. In late summer it carries edible scarlet berries, hence its common name of Cornelian Cherry.
Also in the garden, I found a single, wild primrose, sheltered by the old garden roller, in flower. Later, the garden, and especially the lawn, will be covered with their flowers. Daffodils, although beginning to flower elsewhere will be a few more weeks before they do up here. But even in the Cotwolds they are showing colour in the warmth of our towns - which makes shopping just a little bit more enjoyable.
When in town, I was surprised to find that oldest of symbols of spring - the green man. He was standing tall and lofty down a back street unnoticed and forgotten. Closer examination revealed that he was an old column and ball, the remaining one of a pair of stone entrance pillars from some long demolished house. Now covered in ivy, I wondered why it had been left and what was its history.
Further afield still, I came across a small pond in a field. The croaking of hundreds of frogs drew my attention to it and in the photo below there are over forty heads poking out above the water. As I approached, sensing danger, they fought one another to get below the surface, making the water look as if it was a boiling cauldron. A few days later, when I returned, all was quiet and the surface of the water completely covered in frogspawn. Like the daffodils, it will be some weeks before our secret valley frogs start marching across the lane and entering the house in their quest to reach the lake below our garden.

Lovely post, it must be amazing to see frogs in that quantity - it must be even more amazing to have them trekking through your house:)
ReplyDeleteThese photos are very inspirational... it must be wonderful to live where you do! Larry
ReplyDeletea really grest post. Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteThanks all for your comments. I think my thoughts of spring have sabotaged the weather - its turned grey, damp and very cold once again!
Greetings from Southern California
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God bless you :-)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pics and post as always, making my heart ache more for your little island. I love seeing your signs of spring...as I dig out of my 2 feet of snow! Take care...
Many thanks Ron for visiting my blog and considering it worthy of following.
ReplyDeleteAlso thanks, ER, perhaps you will get to be in the UK one day, who knows? Glad to say we don't have any snow and none forecast. Bitterly cold wind, 'though, Brrr!